Thoughtful Analysis. Black-hearted Cynicism. Unaplogetic Fangirling.

Thoughtful Analysis. Black-hearted Cynicism. Unaplogetic Fangirling.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Review: Captain America

Let’s start with the saga that was my Captain America viewing experience, and the reason this review is going up well over a week late. I saw the film with my family opening weekend, at what is undeniably one of the most shit theaters in Pittsburgh, [Name Withheld]. We went there because it was close to our house, and if you think about other things, you can ignore the smell and not think too hard about the weird sticky seats. But they managed, in the course of that one show, to have it be out of focus, mess up the sound so that every quiet scene was inaudible over the random static, and cut to black just as the credits started, so that the die-hard fans couldn’t see the obligatory Marvel movie bump. So, the next weekend, I had a double feature with my friend, Tai DuClau, and got to rewatch it. 

So, Captain America. Does it come close to the cinematic masterpiece/abomination that was the 1990 film?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

HP7: The Viewing Experience in Trailers

As per usual, I’ll be interpreting the theater’s thoughts about the audience via the trailers. The general impression I got this time around was “YOU! YOU ARE OLD!” Almost everything was either for kids or some sort of retro concept. Let's explore!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II

Before I bog you down with details, let’s make this simple. If you enjoy the Harry Potter films and have seen Deathly Hallows Part 1, proceed immediately to your theater and see this movie.

Deathly Hallows Part 2 picks up exactly where the first part left off, and I mean that literally: it starts with that exact scene. It is essentially the third act to an extremely long film, and that’s not a complaint. The film covers the final third of the book, and while it adds some superfluous details, as the film adaptations of this series are wont to do, it hits all the points that the fans really demand (including my favorite character’s Crowning Moment of Badass, which caused me to squeal with delight).

Awwwww yeah
The scenes are all extremely well done, particularly the emotional backstory of one of the film’s supposed antagonists. As per usual with this sort of film, I take issue with the over reliance on CGI over practical effects, but again, everything is fairly well done so it’s hard to be too venomous on the issue. 

I strongly recommend not seeing this in 3D. Now, I have a lot of hate in general for 3D, but considering the effects in 2D were enough to make me feel like my eyeballs were exploding.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wonder Woman Reboot Canceled? Quick! Get Your Jokes In!

So you may have heard that the upcoming Wonder Woman television reboot, which from the pilot scripts seemed a lot less DC Comics and a lot more Ally McBeal, was killed before it ever aired. Let’s discuss why that was hilariously predictable. Wonder Woman’s inevitable cancelation was readily apparent from the moment the following image hit the internet:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

SuckerPunch: A Viewing Experience in Trailers

Now, before I actually review Sucker Punch, which I meant to do about a week ago, let’s talk about the trailers that preceded the film.  I’ve long thought that the trailers reveal a lot about the production company; specifically what they think of their audience.  For instance, the fact that the Twilight New Moon trailer ran before the midnight premiere of Harry Potter 6 suggested that movie’s producers were idiots and had no idea who was actually coming to this event.

Now, what do the producers and distributors of Sucker Punch think of those that showed up opening weekend? Well, if I had to guess, I’d say they think that we’re glue sniffing adrenaline junkies with a mild to moderate learning disability.

Let’s examine:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome to My Pop Culture Rantings

Hello everyone,

Welcome to The Semi-Reformed Fangirl, where I intend to comment on my assorted interests, most likely in an snarky manner.  Posts will likely include new movies and their trailers, comics, possibly conventions, and probably more than a few posts on anime/manga, since that is the area in which the "semi-reformed" is the most applicable.  I hope to keep a roughly weekly update schedule, but I'm in school so midterms and finals happen.

So stay tuned!

Upcoming posts should include:
-The Best Worst Song Ever (and it's not Friday)
-5 Live Action Anime Movies that are Less of a Terrible Idea than Akira
-A Review of Suckerpunch
-My friends and I go to the HP7 part 2 midnight premiere
-Fanfiction: An alright hobby as long as you're ashamed of it
-My friend and I go to a convention with the express purpose of trolling Vic Mignona aka How to not make friends at a convention. (This one may not happen if I can't get time off of work during the summer, but oh, there will be other opportunities)

And others!