Thoughtful Analysis. Black-hearted Cynicism. Unaplogetic Fangirling.

Thoughtful Analysis. Black-hearted Cynicism. Unaplogetic Fangirling.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome to My Pop Culture Rantings

Hello everyone,

Welcome to The Semi-Reformed Fangirl, where I intend to comment on my assorted interests, most likely in an snarky manner.  Posts will likely include new movies and their trailers, comics, possibly conventions, and probably more than a few posts on anime/manga, since that is the area in which the "semi-reformed" is the most applicable.  I hope to keep a roughly weekly update schedule, but I'm in school so midterms and finals happen.

So stay tuned!

Upcoming posts should include:
-The Best Worst Song Ever (and it's not Friday)
-5 Live Action Anime Movies that are Less of a Terrible Idea than Akira
-A Review of Suckerpunch
-My friends and I go to the HP7 part 2 midnight premiere
-Fanfiction: An alright hobby as long as you're ashamed of it
-My friend and I go to a convention with the express purpose of trolling Vic Mignona aka How to not make friends at a convention. (This one may not happen if I can't get time off of work during the summer, but oh, there will be other opportunities)

And others!